What differentiates a flourishing firm from a struggling firm?

What differentiates a flourishing firm from a struggling firm?

That question may have caught you off-guard, but the answer is straightforward

Customer centricity determines the success of law businesses. It’s how you treat your clients when they call you that can make or break your business.

Customer experience matters. Don’t risk it.

In today’s customer-centric economy, you simply cannot take customers for granted. Since a legal practice is entirely dependent on direct interactions with old and new clients, even one bad experience can impact your reputation and success. And, there’s no way you can run a successful business without a steady inflow of clients.

So, you need to make sure your clients get accurate and prompt responses when they give you a call.

As CaptureNow co-founder Gary Falkowitz explains, “When somebody calls your law firm, they want you to pick up, and they want you to pick up right now.”

You need to be there for your clients every time they call and ensure they have a favorable experience.

First impressions are important. But subsequent interactions are equally important, too. Clients expect the best from you, whether they’re calling for the first or the nth time.

You may have an intake team in place to help keep that phone ringing, but it won’t be of much use if customers’ expectations are not being met. If you outsource your intake to call centers, that might very well be the case.

They may be failing your customers, and in turn, your business may be failing.

So, how do you ensure that your clients get top-notch service while you juggle other responsibilities or when you’re not around? You must ensure your clients know you value them and appreciate their trust in your law firm.

Nothing conveys that message better than investing in an innovative tech solution that can be your proxy when you’re away.

Improve customer experience with CaptureNow

CaptureNow is an AI-driven solution for intake automation for small to medium-scale law firms. Once deployed, it can answer all incoming calls 24/7/365. Powered by intelligent automation, CaptureNow offers dynamic features that ensure your clients get immediate, professional, and consistent responses every time they give you a call.

With CaptureNow, you get access to:

  • Automatic call recording for all incoming calls 
  • Speech-to-text transcriptions
  • Case-specific email alerts and SMS notifications 
  • Prioritized call routing for qualified callers 
  • Easy self-service setup 
  • Dedicated website portal for storing your call data 

It can be easily integrated with your existing CRM, and you can choose from male or female voices to answer the calls. The service is available in English and Spanish.

Instead of allocating your budget to unreliable call centers that provide subpar services to clients and have long wait times, you should implement a robust solution like CaptureNow that delivers excellent ROI.

Why choose CaptureNow?

Because if you don’t invest in innovation, it may cost you the success of your business. That’s not an exaggeration. A Legal Trends Report revealed that customers consider response time to be one of the key factors in choosing law firms to represent them. 

Long wait times, poor responses, and bad customer experience could be the invisible roadblock to success. 

Why take the gamble when you can bring your A game with CaptureNow? Check out Gary’s Vlog to know more.

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